That's what you have been waiting for ...
your Dental Master Laboratory for Seychelles and abroad!
We can support every dental clinic with our technology and associated know-how.

No excuses, just good dentures!
We do everything to
increase the profitability of your practice,
reduce stress levels,
ensure patient satisfaction,
develop more effective work processes,
provide personal support and
reduce repairs to a minimum.
Philipp Stern
Certified Dental Technician (Germany)
Working in different type of dental laboratories and participating in dental courses.
Certified Master Dental Technician (Germany)
CEO and CTO in different type of dental laboratories and clinic laboratories.
Stern Dental Technology (Pty) Ltd.
Opening of the Dental Laboratory
SHINING3D Reseller
Seychelles, Africa, Indian Ocean
3D dental scanner, ExoCAD, OrthoCAD
Blender for Dental